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The importance of community mental health in the life of a student can’t be understated. We can observe that right from the initial days of schooling they are tasked with balancing their academics with the co-curricular activities. Instead of acting as a creative outlet for students, the co-curricular activities turn into something that the students “just have to do” to stand out.

Students need to access certain resources which can help them to be in touch with their feelings as well as tackle the immense pressure and expectations that they are dealing with. A course on Community Mental Health will normalise the issues that individuals with acute disorders face. It will also help them to tackle their anxiety and to help their close friends and families out.

Impact of Community Mental Health

People are often apprehensive to go to a professional right away if they face a problem. It is much easier for them to open up to a close ally. If techniques and resources on how to assist themselves are provided, they could also help people around them out from at an early stage. Thus, we will have a young population who have healthier mental health practices and habits.

Mental Health Awareness

If the course is introduced at an early stage in higher education in our country, the students will be able to come across the counselling and psychological rehabilitation techniques. They will develop an awareness of the most prevalent issues and intervention programmes that might be accessible. This will also quell any misunderstandings or rumours that they may have come across.

Professionalise can help formalise and normalise mental health issues. This issue has been a taboo since time immemorial. Children should be aware and in touch with their surroundings. They will be in a better position to face problems that they may encounter in the future. This will also assist them to identify the problems that might have gone unnoticed.

Mood Disorders

Despite the progress in recent years when it comes to discussing the issues regarding mental health, we have a long way to go. We can see that mood disorders are often “a phase,” as people put it. However, it could very well be a minor bout of depression or even early signs of a bipolar disorder. Issues pertaining to disorders like personality disorders and anxiety disorders should also be discussed over time.

Eating Disorders

An important aspect of mental health pertains to eating disorders. With the sense of self-being extremely volatile during adolescence, children are at a greater risk to get these disorders. People around us generally dismiss these issues and people rarely get professional help to tackle these issues. But, these issues not only affect our mental health but could end up damaging our physical health as well.

People can deal with these issues more efficiently. All we need to do is talk about it normally and openly.

Realise, Formalise and Normalise!

Edited by: Priyanka Srinivas

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Rajendra Singh Punia
Rajendra Singh Punia
4 years ago

Some schools have started counseling sessions.

Ajay Agarwal
Ajay Agarwal
4 years ago

An interesting article which focuses on a topic which still remains a taboo in Indian homes. Time to remove stigma attached with mental health issue in our society.

Sudha Menon
Sudha Menon
4 years ago

This article is well researched and covers all aspects of mental health. It’s quite well articulated and conveys the ideas lucidly and coherently.

Mk Bhatt
Mk Bhatt
4 years ago

Well researched article ??

4 years ago

Seeking help from Psychiatrists and clinical psychologistts is still a taboo in our country, well written article which is the need of the hour.

4 years ago

Mental health is a big issue looking into the prevailing circumstances nowadays.The youngsters have a huge burden of balancing between their personal lives with their professional ones and truly ,they have progressively become very demanding.To strike a balance among both proper councelling and scientific approach is necessary.If this approach is rational enough,surely it’ll reap results.

4 years ago

A very well written article.

Arunima Deb
Arunima Deb
4 years ago

Very well written!

4 years ago

Caught the pulse of the hour,well researched and beautifully woven thoughts. Yes we need to identify our emotions , redefine our approach and overcome the self defeating thoughts by speaking up!

Ranjeeta Ghosh
Ranjeeta Ghosh
4 years ago

Very nicely written. A good read.

Ranjeeta Ghosh
Ranjeeta Ghosh
4 years ago

A good read. Very well written.

Yogesh Gour
Yogesh Gour
4 years ago

AAfter reading reading your post I sit here amazed how effective and useful your article is at this tender age. Good vision.

Sunita Singh
Sunita Singh
4 years ago

Mental health is invisible but definitely more alarming and critical and needs to be tackled more openly, it is the need of the hour keeping in mind today’s younger generation who need to be supported with challenges unheard earlier and if ignored can lead to dangerous and unpardonable results.

4 years ago

A very well thought topic. Something which every one ignores either wilfully or due to lack of awareness. Mental health at any age is to be taken care and given the prime importance. A very good approach paper.

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