Tragically, some familiar ways of thinking about Autism, which we know are false, persist. These misconceptions regarding autism can make life hard for individuals on the Spectrum to have their condition perceived and get the help they need. Confusions can prompt a few people with Autism to feel separated and alone. Although individuals with Autism share challenges in the centre regions of social-correspondence, confined and dull practices and tangible preparation, each individual with Autism has various capacities and interests. Autism is also a ‘range issue’ because of this fact. That is why supports are ought to be custom-made to the individual needs.
People with Autism, by and large, have a lopsided formative profile, implying that their degree of capacity may fluctuate across various aptitudes and even inside a similar expertise area. Some individuals with Autism undoubtedly have an excellent capacity over that of everybody (additionally called an ‘academic ability’). Research discloses to us that more than 66% of individuals with Autism do not. In this way, even though intellectual aptitudes – like having a photographic memory or the capacity to figure complex numerical conditions rapidly – and Autism might be connected here and there, the vast majority with Autism do not, in reality, have academic expertise. Everybody has qualities, and the ideal approach to find out about somebody’s qualities is by becoming acquainted with whom they are personally and what they love.
The lack of understanding can make it difficult for people on the spectrum to have their condition recognized and get help.
Myths and Misconceptions go hand in hand with Autism disorder. This leads autistic people to feel isolated, and in some extreme conditions, even bullied.
Some significant misconceptions
- Autistic people are loners – This is not true! This is a major misconception about autism, which leads to autistic people being left alone. It is solely because of a nonexistent condition that people believe they have. Yes, Autistic people struggle to socialize with their peers. However, that is because they cannot communicate in the same way we do.
- Autistic people are callous – Autism often affects an individual’s ability to understand unspoken communication. However, when emotions are presented in a much more direct way, autistic people tend to feel empathy for others.
- Autism is caused due to bad parenting – Science suggests that there is no single cause for Autism, but there are strong links to developmental and genetic factor, but in no case does wrong parenting style leads to Autism
Although numerous individuals with Autism do not have different conditions, many do. Some necessary conditions that may co-happen with Autism (otherwise called ‘comorbidity’) include:
- Intellectual Disability or Developmental Delays
- Seizures and Epilepsy
- Fragile X Syndrome
- Tuberous Sclerosis
- Anxiety
- Gastrointestinal issues
- Feeding issues
- Disrupted rest
- Motor Difficulties
Comorbid conditions can show up whenever during an individual’s life. Some might be available from birth or in youth, while others may show up later in youthfulness or adulthood. It is essential to recognize co-happening conditions and look for a suitable treatment for them as a portion of the indications may influence how well Autism techniques and treatments work.

Autism disorder now affects 1 in 68 children. Boys are nearly five times more likely than girls to be diagnosed with ASD. WHO states that one in every 160 children suffers from Autism.
Hyperlexia, the ability to read above one’s age or grade level in school, commonly accompanied by autism spectrum disorder.
Overall, People should treat people with autism spectrum disorder as individuals with different strengths, talents and needs. Hopefully, this article helps erase misconceptions regarding Autism spectrum disorder. People suffering from the disorder are prone to stigma, discrimination and similar violations. The issue is widened due to lack of available resources which provide support for the people.
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Co-Authored and Edited by Devansh Dev.